Family Law

The breakdown of a relationship can be very stressful. Advice from an understanding solicitor can help to ease the blow. Obtaining legal advice at an early stage can assist in decision making but does not commit you to any particular course of action.

Divorce, Cohabitation and Separation

When a couple has separated arrangements need to be made relating to the family home, for maintenance, division of capital assets and liability for matrimonial debts. Many people choose to enter into a formal written agreement called a Separation Agreement dealing with these matters. This can be helpful for both parties as it provides certainty and lets them know where they stand thus allowing each of them to plan for the future. To avoid a conflict of interest and to ensure that that any agreement is unchallengeable it is advisable for both parties to have separate solicitors. If an agreement is signed then the divorce action itself becomes a formality and often proceeds on a consent basis.

In cases of domestic violence proceedings may need to be raised immediately to obtain an interdict for protection or an exclusion order to have the violent party removed from the home. We are in a position to raise proceedings speedily in such cases.

Unmarried couples have no automatic rights in respect of each other’s property and may wish to enter into an agreement to regulate their affairs before living together. If they separate then a financial claim may be available if one party has suffered a financial disadvantage and legal advice should be taken as soon as possible.

Please get in touch or call 01333 429007.

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