Who we are

This is the privacy statement of Lynn Herbert & Company, Solicitors and Notaries. We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office, registration number Z7693738. Our Data Protection contact is Lynn Herbert, 82 High Street, Leven, Fife, KY8 4NB.

This privacy statement explains how we collect and use personal information about you. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Any personal data provided to us by you or by a third party shall only be used in accordance with this notice. Your data will be processed securely and in compliance with data protection law.

What personal information we collect

We collect information to enable us to provide legal services to clients and to maintain our own accounts and records. To allow us to perform these functions, we may collect:-

Where we collect personal information

We obtained information from you, from others with your agreement and from publicly available sources.

How we use your personal information

Who we share your personal information with

We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themselves and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the GDPR. What follows is a description of the types of organisations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons. Where necessary or required we share information with:

How long we retain your personal information for

We will keep your personal data for ten years as long as you remain a client. If you cease to be a client then we will retain the information for two years after you cease to be a client. We may keep information for a longer period if it is needed to provide our services or retention is for your benefit.

Holding personal information outside the EEA

We do not intend to hold data outside the EEA, apart from any data held on cloud storage where appropriate. We may transfer data to other parties including:

When we use any contractor to process your personal data, we ensure that they have entered into a binding legal contract with us ensuring that they will only process your data on our written instruction and in accordance with appropriate security provisions.

If it is necessary to transfer your personal data to a country outwith the EEA then we will not do so without having the appropriate safeguards in place and we will advise you of such transfer taking place.

Your rights

Access to your information – You have the right to request a copy of the personal information about you that we hold.

Correcting your information – We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date and you may ask us to correct any personal information about you that you believe does not meet these standards.

Deletion of your information – You have the right to ask us to delete personal information about you where:

Objecting to how we may use your information – You have the right at any time to require us to stop using your personal information. In addition, where we use your personal information to perform tasks carried out in the public interests then, if you ask us to, we will stop using that personal information unless there are overriding legitimate grounds to continue.

Restricting how we may use your information – In some cases, you may ask us to restrict how we use your personal information. This right might apply, for example, where we are checking the accuracy of personal information about you that we hold or assessing the validity of any objection you have made to our use of your information. The right might also apply where this is no longer a basis for using your personal information but you don’t want us to delete the data. Where this right to validly exercised, we may only use the relevant personal information with your consent, for legal claims or where there are other public interest grounds to do so.

Automated processing – If we use your personal information on an automated basis to make decisions which significantly affect you, you have the right to ask that the decision be reviewed by an individual to whom you may make representations and contest the decision. This right only applies where we use your information with your consent or as part of a contractual relationship with you.

Withdrawing consent using your information – Where we use your personal information with your consent you may withdraw that consent at any time and we will stop using your personal information for the purpose(s) for which consent was given.

Please contact us in any of the ways set out in the contact information and further advice section I you wish to exercise any of these rights.

Changes to our privacy statement

We keep this privacy statement under regular review. Paper copies of the privacy statement may also be obtained in any of our offices.

This privacy statement was last updated on 25 May 2018.

Contact information and further advice

Further information can be obtained from any partner in Lynn Herbert & Company or from Lynn Herbert by email at lherbert@lynnherbert.co.uk.


We seek to resolve directly, all complaints about how we handle personal information but you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone – 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745
Website – https://ico.org.uk/concerns

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