Criminal Law

We handle criminal cases at all levels. We provide representation in both the Sheriff and the Justice of the Peace courts and arrange representation for appearances at the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Being convicted of committing a criminal offence is a serious matter. Judges have a wide range of sentences available to them which can have serious consequences such as imprisonment, a fine or disqualification from driving. There are convictions which are never spent and remain on an individual’s record for the rest of his or her life. Criminal charges can be complicated and there may be a defence to a case created by legislation. It is advisable to take advice from a solicitor in any criminal case, rather than handling it for yourself so that you are fully aware of the possible consequences in the Court proceedings.

It is best to take advice as soon as possible after being involved in a situation which may give rise to a charge so that you can find out what is likely to happen, and when. In some cases it may be necessary to take prompt action to preserve evidence.

Lynn Herbert is registered with the Scottish Legal Aid Board to provide criminal legal assistance and also serves as a duty solicitor in Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

For assistance please get in touch or call 01333 429007

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